May 8, 2023

5 Mistakes To Avoid On Your Product Page

Running a successful ecommerce store means constantly improving and optimizing your product pages to offer the best possible experience for your customers. To help you avoid some of the most common pitfalls, we've identified five key mistakes that can hurt your ecommerce product pages and potentially impact your sales. By addressing these issues, you can create a more engaging and user-friendly experience, ultimately leading to increased conversions and customer satisfaction.

Mistake #1: No social proof or customer reviews

Positive customer reviews and testimonials are essential for building trust and credibility for your brand and products. They give potential customers the confidence that others have had a great experience with your product, which can impact their decision to buy. Additionally, they can address any concerns and answer questions that potential customers might have, helping to remove any barriers to making a purchase. User-generated content, like customer reviews, can also enhance your website's search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines, such as Google, appreciate fresh and unique content, and reviews can contribute to that.

Consider installing a Shopify review app like, Yotpo, or Loox. All of these apps offer free plans with basic features, and if you'd like to add more customizations, you can always upgrade to a paid plan. If your website is new or you're transitioning from another platform and your products don't have any reviews yet, don't worry! You can create a testimonial section to display reviews collected from past customers without using an app. Just use metafields, and you can have product-specific testimonials pulled into that particular section.


Mistake #2: Not having high-quality product images and compelling product descriptions

High-quality product images and compelling product descriptions are crucial for any ecommerce product page. They play a significant role in attracting customers and persuading them to make a purchase. 

  1. Cover all angles: Ensure that your product images showcase your product from multiple angles. This helps potential customers get a clear idea of what they're buying, which is particularly important for an online-only store where customers can't physically interact with the product.
  2. Include video clips: Adding video clips to your product page can provide a more immersive experience and demonstrate how the product works or looks in real life. Videos can effectively capture product features and benefits that may be difficult to convey through images and text alone.
  3. Optimize for SEO: To improve your product page's visibility on search engines, incorporate relevant keywords and phrases into your product descriptions. This can help drive more organic traffic to your ecommerce store.
  4. Seek an outsider's perspective: As the founder, you know your product inside out, but first-time customers may not. It's essential to ensure that your product descriptions are easily understood by someone unfamiliar with your product. Have a friend or colleague read your product descriptions to check for clarity and comprehensiveness.

Mistake #3: Not optimizing your product page on mobile

Many people shop on their smartphones, making it essential to ensure your product pages are not just responsive but also optimized for mobile devices. Here are some key factors to consider

  • Easy scrolling: Make sure your product page is easy to scroll through on mobile devices, especially if it has a horizontal layout. Avoid requiring users to zoom in or out or navigate through tiny elements, as this can lead to frustration and potentially lost sales.
  • Use accordion tabs: To keep your product page clean and uncluttered on mobile devices, consider using accordion tabs to hide less essential information. This allows customers to access detailed information when needed while maintaining a user-friendly and organized layout.
  • Contrasting and larger buttons: Ensure that the "Add to Cart" buttons and other call-to-action buttons are easy to spot and interact with on mobile devices. Use contrasting colors and larger button sizes to make them more prominent and accessible.

Mistake #4: Missing opportunities to cross-sell your products

Cross-selling has a lot of benefits for your store. It can boost your average order value (AOV) since customers are encouraged to add more items to their carts. Plus, when you provide relevant recommendations that meet their needs, your customers are happier and more satisfied. And guess what? Happier customers mean more repeat business, helping you showcase a broader range of products and nurturing a loyal relationship with your brand.

To make cross-selling work for you, try to personalize recommendations using customer data and browsing history, so each suggestion feels just right for their individual preferences and needs. Also, don't forget to show off related or complementary items on the product page, usually placed below the product description or in nifty sections like "You may also like" or "Frequently bought together." 

Additionally, you can bundle products together and offer them at discounted prices, motivating customers to purchase multiple items at once. This can be enabled on your store using an app that applies the discount automatically making it a seamless process and avoiding having to set up multiple discount codes. 

Mistake #5: Shipping & return policy is unclear 

Having an unclear shipping and return policy on your ecommerce product page can be an easy oversight. While it's true that you might have a separate page dedicated to these policies, you don't want customers navigating away from the product page before adding items to their cart. 

  • If you offer free shipping after a certain purchase amount, make sure to highlight it on the product page. This can encourage customers to add more items to their cart to reach the threshold, boosting your average order value.
  • A transparent and easy-to-understand return policy helps improve the conversion rate by reducing the barriers for customers to make a purchase.
  • To make your shipping and return policy more prominent and easily digestible, consider using icons or visuals.
  • Keep an eye on customer feedback and inquiries related to your shipping and return policies. Use this information to make improvements and ensure your policies cater to your customers' needs.

Avoiding these five common mistakes on your ecommerce product pages can lead to a better shopping experience for your customers, and ultimately, higher sales and conversions. By focusing on social proof, high-quality images and descriptions, mobile optimization, cross-selling, and clear shipping and return policies, you can build trust, showcase your products more effectively, and foster a loyal relationship with your customers. Remember, a well-crafted product page not only drives sales but also sets the foundation for a successful and long-lasting ecommerce business. 

Oh, hey

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